viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

The Russian Revolution of 1917.

The film "Doctor Zhivago" shows the First World War and the Russian Revolution of 1917.

The Revolution starts in 1860 and ends in 1917. It starts because the folk suffered lag and misery and there was to much famine. 
From 1860 to 1894 there were three Tzars, Dynasty Romanov, Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicolás II. 

In 1898 is based the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Labour Party) with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ahead. 
In 1900 Lenin returned from his prision in Siberia and took charge of the RSDLP. Lenin published a newspaper called "Iskra"(The spark). 
In that time is also based  the revolutionary social party with Kérenski ahead, and it raced with the RSDLP for the management of the subaltern classes. 
In 1903 the RSDLP is divided in two: the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks thought that they need a democratic transition and the Bolsheviks that they need to took the power fighting with the tsarism. 

In 1905, the 22 of January in Petrogrado there was a workers and peasants peaceful march and they were murdered by the Tsar's troops. This night is known as "Bloody Sunday"
Nicolás II based the Duma and at the same time is based the soviet, that is the germ of the future communism. 
The 26 of November is arrested the president of Petrogrado's Soviet and he is replaced by Trotski who collaborated with Lenin. 
In 1917, the Mensheviks incited the demonstrators and the 27 of February is based a provisional government with Kérenski ahead. The last tsar, Nicolás II, was murdered. 

Returns to Rusia Lenin and Trotski, who were exiled, while the government weaken. 
Lenin created the Red Army commanded by Trotski. 
The 25 of October, the Bolsheviks entered to the Winter Palace and Kérenski flees. 
Lenin is proclamed the new president of Russia and he created the Soviet Republic. Here ends the Russian Revolution and starts a new era for Russia.  

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